Resources for Parents

As parents of children with special needs, you often have to make tough decisions and sift through a lot of very new and unfamiliar information. Not much in the way of medical treatment is being offered to us yet, as much of what our kids are experiencing is new, highly delicate, and does not respond well to the treatment and medications conventional medicine has to offer either prescription or over the counter.

This chatroom is for parents of children with special needs and autism in particular. If you have experiences to share that can benefit each other and the new parents who join, please share them here.

It can be anything from what to do about screaming in airplanes to helpful therapeutic programs to nutritional supports you feel worked well. Negative outcomes are helpful to know also.

This is a “take what you like and leave the rest “ forum. We are not attempting to be experts or assert that one solution works for all children. Please avoid political or religious posts here

Chatroom Coming Soon